Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

How to configuration name and password in the router? / gimana cara memberi nama dan password pada router?

1. Name configuration in the router.

router(config)#hostname rofie

2. Password configuration.

Passwords should always be configured for virtual terminal (vty) and the console terminal. Password is also useful to control access to privileged EXEC mode so that only certain people are just biased to change router settings.

Password must be set in one or more terminals to provide the right health insurance vty users connect via telnet. Cisco router generally has a terminal vty 0 to 4. Some types may have a number of different vty terminal.

The enable command and the enable secret password used to enter privileged EXEC mode. Enable password command is only used if enable secret has not been set. Enable secret command should be used, because the enable secret password is encrypted. While the enable password is not encrypted.

Sometimes it is not safe to allow clear text passwords in an on-screen console terminal from the command show running-config or show startup-config.

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