Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

How to set 1 router? / gimana caranya setting 1 router?

I use software cisco packet tracer to analyze.

1. Make the network topology as below

2. double klik on router icon  and klik CLI tab

 Commands CLI tab:

    --- System Configuration Dialog ---

Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n

Press RETURN to get started!

Router#config t

Router(config)#interface fa 0/0
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router(config-if)#no shutdown

Building configuration...

- As well as the setting of the second network, change ip network becomes

Router#config t

Router(config)#interface fa 0/0
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router(config-if)#no shutdown

Building configuration...

3. Setting ip address, subnet and default gateway on PC
4. Ping PC to another PC

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

How to configuration name and password in the router? / gimana cara memberi nama dan password pada router?

1. Name configuration in the router.

router(config)#hostname rofie

2. Password configuration.

Passwords should always be configured for virtual terminal (vty) and the console terminal. Password is also useful to control access to privileged EXEC mode so that only certain people are just biased to change router settings.

Password must be set in one or more terminals to provide the right health insurance vty users connect via telnet. Cisco router generally has a terminal vty 0 to 4. Some types may have a number of different vty terminal.

The enable command and the enable secret password used to enter privileged EXEC mode. Enable password command is only used if enable secret has not been set. Enable secret command should be used, because the enable secret password is encrypted. While the enable password is not encrypted.

Sometimes it is not safe to allow clear text passwords in an on-screen console terminal from the command show running-config or show startup-config.

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Step by step Install Router Cisco / Langkah - langkah Install router Cisco

Initialize the router is done by loading the bootstrap , the operating system and configuration files . If the router can not find the configuration file , it will enter setup mode . After completing the configuration in setup mode , it will create the configuration file and stored in NVRAM . 

The purpose of the startup process is to start running the router operations . The startup process must go through the following process :
- Verify router hardware functions 
- Finding and Cisco IOS software load 
- Search for and run a configuration file or enter setup mode 

When the power is first turned on the router , it performs a power - on self test ( POST ) . During the self test , the router perform diagnostics from ROM to all hardware modules . Diagnosis is to verify the basic operation of the CPU , memory and network interface ports . Once the verification is complete , the router software initialization process with the following procedures :
 - Generic bootstrap loader in ROM is executed . The bootstrap is a simple commands for hardware testing   and initialization IOS . 
- IOS can be found in several places . Boot field of the configuration register determine the location that is used to load the IOS . If the boot is filed leading to flash or network , then the boot system commands in the configuration file also shows the location of the image . 
- Operating system image is loaded . When the IOS loaded and operated , register hardaware and software components will be displayed on the terminal console screen . 
- The configuration file in NVRAM is loaded into main memory and executed . The commands in the configuration file is run to start the process of routing , addressing the interface and determine other characteristics . 
- If the configuration file is invalid , the operating system will search for the configuration file on the TFTP server available . If not found TFPT server , the setup dialog that will be used. 20Setup mode aims to allow network administrators to download the install base configuration of the router when the router has no configuration file . In this mode marked by square brackets [ ] . Press Enter to use the default option . Ctrl - C to end the process . 

When the configuration process is completed in the setup mode , the display below will appear on the display console terminal .

[0] Go to the IOS command prompt without saving this config.
[1] Return back to the setup without saving this config. 
[2] Save this configuration to nvram and exit. Enter your selection 

Cisco routers use LED as a status indicator. LED indicator to indicator interface shows the status of each interface. Flame LEDs indicate the interface is active and connected to the network, otherwise the LED does not light show interface inactive. If the interface is too busy, the LED flash is marked in green. The color green means OK.

Statement NVRAM invalid, possibly due to write erase means the router is not configured or the contents of the NVRAM is removed. To be valid NVRAM so the router must be configured and the configuration file stored in NVRAM. Factory-default setting for the configuration register is 0x2102, which means that the router should load the Cisco IOS image from flash memory.

User can determine the version of the bootstrap and IOS versions. And also contains the following information:
- The number of interfaces
- Type of interface
- The amount of NVRAM
- The amount of flash memory

User has the option to enter the setup mode. And the purpose of setup mode is to allow the administrator to install the basic configuration.

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Step by step connect PC to Router / Langkah-langkah menghubungkan PC ke Router

How to connect PC to Router?

Many kinds of routers including juniper, cisco, etc.
but here we discussed about cisco.
The first time a router is used, there is no network is configured, so the router can not communicate with other networks. To set up the router so I can connect to the network, it is necessary initialization and configuration. It is necessary to roll-over cable is connected between the management port to the computer via terminal software emulating just as hyperterminal. After configuration, the router is ready for communication with the network.
Below, the steps to connect the PC to the router:
1. Configuring a PC with terminal emulation to the parameters:
- COM port used
- Baud: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- No parity
- Stop bits 1
- No flow control
2. Connect the RJ-45 roll-over cable to the router console terminal
3. Connect the other end to the DB-9 terminal
4. Connect the DB-9 female terminal adapter to the PC.

Console terminal connection
Modem connected to console or auxiliary port
Connectors cisco router 2600
Connection via terminal console
Properties hyperterminal
Translate Indonesia:

Cara menghubungkan PC ke Router?

Banyak macam dari router diantaranya juniper, cisco dll
tapi disini kita bahas tentang cisco.

Pertama kali router digunakan, belum ada jaringan yang dikonfigurasi, karenanya router tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan jaringan lain. Untuk menyiapkan router supaya bisa terhubung ke jaringan, maka diperlukan inisialisasi dan konfigurasi. Maka diperlukan kabel roll-over yang dihubungkan antara management port ke komputer melalui software terminal emulating sperti hyperterminal. Setelah dilakukan konfigurasi, router sudah siap untuk komunikasi dengan jaringan.

Di bawah ini, langkah-langkah untuk menghubungkan PC ke router:
1. Konfigurasi terminal emulation ke PC dengan parameter:
- COM port yang dipakai
- baud: 9600
- data bit: 8
- No parity
- Stop bit 1
- No flow control
2. Hubungkan konektor RJ-45 kabel roll-over ke terminal console router
3. Hubungkan ujung yang lain ke terminal DB-9
4. Sambungkan terminal DB-9 female adapter ke PC.

Untuk gambar bisa di lihat di atas di artikel bahasa inggris.

*Sampaikanlah walaupun 1 ayat*

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Komponen Utama Router / Main Router Component

Seperti yang saya janjikan, sekarang mengulas tentang yang ada di dalam router

Komponen utama dari router adalah sebagai berikut:
CPU – Central Processing Unit bertugas menjalankan perintah-perintah dalam operating system. Beberapa fungsi yang dilaukan oleh CPU seperti: inisialisasi sistem, routing, dan kontrol interface jaringan. CPU router merupakan sebuah microprocessor.

RAM – RAM digunakan untuk informasi table routing, cache fast switching, konfigurasi yang sedang jalan, dan mengatur antrian paket. Pada kebanyakan router RAM meyediakan space memory untuk menjalankan fungsi router. Secara logik RAM dibagi menjadi memory prosesor utama dan memory share input/output (I/O). Memory share I/O merupakan share diantara interface-interface router untuk penyimpanan paket sementara. Isi dari RAM akan hilang kalau router dimatikan atau di-restart. RAM biasanya bertipe dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) dan dapat di-upgrade dengan menambahkan suatu module memori yan disebut dengan dual in-line memory module (DIMM)
RAM mempunyai fungsi dan karakteristik sebagai berikut:
− Menyimpan tabel routing
− Menangani cache ARP
− Menangani cache fast-switching
− Menangani packet buffering dan share RAM
− Menangani antrian paket
− Menyediakan temporary memory untuk file konfigurasi pada saat router bekerja
− Data akan hilang pada saat router dimatikan atau restart
Flash – flash memori digunakan untuk menyimpan image dari IOS. Router normalnya membutuhkan IOS default dari flash. Image dapat di-upgrade dengan cara men-download image baru ke dalam flash. IOS bisa jadi ter-kompresi maupun tidak. Pada kebanyakan router untuk meng-copy IOS ditansfer ke RAM selama proses booting. Pada router yang lain IOS mungkin dapat dijalankan langsing dari flash. Flash terpasang secara single slot SIMM atau berupa card PCMCIA yang dapat ditambahkan atau dilepas pada saat upgrade flash.
Flash memory mempunyai fungsi dan karakteristik sebagai berikut:
− Menangani IOS image
− Memberi akses software untuk melakukan update tanpa harus melepas chip pada prosesornya
− Data masih ada ketika router dimatikan atau restart
− Dapat menyimpan beberapa versi software IOS
− Merupakan tipe dari Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory (EEPROM)

NVRAM – NVRAM digunakan untuk menyimpan startup configuration. Pada device yang sama EEPROM dapat digunakan sebagai fungsi NVRAM. Pada device yang lain dipakai untuk sebagai flash untuk melaukan booting. Isi dari NVRAM tidak akan hilang meskipung router dimatikan atau di-restart.
NVRAM mempunyai fungsi dan karakteristik sebagai berikut:
− Menyediakan storage untuk file startup configuration
− Data masih ada walaupun router dimatikan atau restart

Bus – Sebagian besar router terdiri atas bus sistem dan bus CPU. bus sistem digunakan untuk komunikasi antar CPU dan interface atau slot tambahan. Bus ini mentransfer paket dari dan ke interface.
Bus CPU digunakan untuk akses komponen dari media penyimpan di router. Bus ini mentransfer perintah dan data ke atau dari alamat memory yang digunakan.

ROM – ROM digunakan secara permanen untuk menyimpan kode-kode startup diagnostic, yang dikenal dengan nama ROM monitor. Tugas utama ROM adalah untuk dignosa hardware selama router booting dan loading IOS dari flash ke RAM. Beberapa router, ROM juga bisa digunakan sebagai sumber booting alternatif. Dan dapat di-upgrade dengan cara melepas chip pada socketnya.
ROM mempunyai fungsi dan karakteristik sebagai berikut:
− Menangani perintah-perintah untuk keperluan diagnosa power-on selt test (POST)
− Menyimpan program bootstap dan dasar operating system
− Membutuhkan melepas chip pada motherboard pada saat melaukan upgrade software.

Interface – Interface dari router digunakan untuk menyambungkan koneksi ke luar. Ada 3 tipe interface: LAN, Wan dan console atau auxiliary (AUX). Interface LAN biasanya satu atau beberapa tipe ethernet atau token ring yang berbeda-beda. Tiap-tiap intreface memiliki chip controller yang berfungsi untuk menyambungkan sistem ke media. Interface LAN biasanya berupa fixed configuration atau modular.
Interface WAN misalnya serial, ISDN dan integrated CSU. Sama dengan interface LAN, ia juga mempunyai chip controller. Interface Wan bisa berupa fixed configuration atau modular.
Port Console atau AUX adalah prot serial yang digunakan untuk proses konfigurasi. Ia digunakan sebagai terminal dari komunikasi port pada komputer melalui modem.
Interface mempunyai fungsi dan karakteristik sebagai berikut:
− Menghubungkan router ke suatu jaringan sebagai keluar masuknya paket data
− Hanya berada dalam motherboard atau sebagai module yang terpisah.

Power Supply – power supply digunakan sebagai sumber daya untuk mengoperasikan komponen di dalam router. Beberapa router kemungkinan mempunyai lebih dari sati power supply.

Komponen internal router dalam software packet tracer

Diagram Komponen router
Komponen Router


As I promised , now about the review in the routerThe main components of the router are as follows :CPU - Central Processing Unit in charge of running the commands in the operating system . Some of the functions that take place by the CPU such as : system initialization , routing , and network interface control . Router CPU is a microprocessor.

RAM - RAM is used for routing table information , fast switching cache , configuration under way , and set the packet queue . On most routers RAM providing memory space for the functioning of the router . RAM logically divided into main processor memory and shared memory input / output ( I / O ) . Memory Shared I / O is shared among router interfaces for temporary package storage . The contents of RAM are lost when power is turned off or restarted . RAM is usually of type dynamic random - access memory ( DRAM ) and can be upgraded by adding a memory module yan called dual in - line memory module (DIMM )RAM has the following functions and characteristics :- Storing routing table- Handle ARP cache- Handle the fast - switching cache- Handle packet buffering and shared RAM- Handle the packet queue- Provides temporary memory for the router configuration files in the current working- Data will be lost when the router is powered off or restarted.

Flash - Flash memory is used to store the image of the IOS . Normally requires IOS router from the default flash . Image can be upgraded by means of downloading a new image into flash . IOS can be ter - compression or not . On most routers to copy the IOS is transferred to RAM during the boot process . In another IOS router may be run from a flash slim . Flash SIMM installed in single slot or PCMCIA cards can be added or removed during the upgrade flash .Flash memory has the following functions and characteristics :- Handle the IOS image- Provide access to software updates without having to remove the chip on the processor- The data is still there when the router is powered off or restarted- Can store multiple versions of IOS software- Represents the type of Electrically Erasable Programmable Read -only Memory ( EEPROM ).

NVRAM - NVRAM is used to store the startup configuration . At the same device can be used as a function EEPROM NVRAM . In another device that is used for the flash for boot code is loaded . The contents of NVRAM will not be lost meskipung router is turned off or restarted .NVRAM has the following functions and characteristics :- Provides storage for the startup configuration file- The data is still there even though the router is turned off or restarted.

Bus - Most routers consist of a system bus and CPU bus . bus system is used for communication between the CPU and interfaces or additional slots . The bus transfer from and to the interface package .CPU bus is used to access a component of storage media in the router . This bus transfer commands and data to or from memory address used.
ROM - ROM used for permanently storing startup diagnostic code , known as the ROM monitor . The main tasks are hardware diagnostics ROM for booting and loading the router IOS from flash to RAM . Some routers , ROM can also be used as an alternative boot source . And can be upgraded by removing the chip in the socket .ROM has the following functions and characteristics :- Handle commands for power-on diagnostics purposes selt test ( POST )- Save bootstap program and basic operating system- Requires removing the chip on the motherboard when upgrading software.

Interface - The interface of the router is used to connect external connection . There are 3 types of interfaces : LAN , Wan and console or auxiliary ( AUX ) . LAN interfaces are usually one or several types of ethernet or token ring different . These interfaces have each controller chip that serves to connect the system to the media . LAN interfaces may be fixed or modular configuration .WAN serial interface eg , ISDN and integrated CSU . Same with LAN interface , it also has a controller chip . Wan Interface can be a fixed configuration or modular .Console or AUX ports are serial ports used for the configuration process . It is used as a terminal of the communication port on the computer via a modem .Interface has the following functions and characteristics :- Connecting a router to a network as the entry and exit of data packets- Just being in the motherboard or as a separate module.

Power Supply - power supply is used as a power source to operate the components in the router . Some routers are likely to have more than sati power supply.

*Sampaikanlah Walaupun 1 Ayat*

Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Pengenalan Router/ Introducing Of Router

 Sekarang kita membahas tentang yang namanya router, silakan di simak artikel berikut ini...

 Pengenalan Router WAN ( World Area Network )

 Route merupakan penamaan dari bahasa Inggris yang artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia Rute, Jalan, Mengirim melalui ......

 Router adalah sebuah komputer khusus, router mempunyai komponen dasar yang sama dengan PC desktop, router mempunyai CPU, memori, sistem bus, serta output dan input. Router digunakan untuk menghubungkan komunikasi antara 2 jaringan dan menentukan jalur data yang melalui koneksi jaringan.

 Router membutuhkan OS (Operating System) untuk menjalankan fungsinya, seperti IOS yang menjalankan file-file konfigurasinya. konfigurasi ini berisi perintah dan parameter yang mengontrol aliran trafik masuk dan keluar dari router.

 Komponen - komponen Utama Router:
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
- NVRAM (NonVolatile Random Access Memory)
- Flash Memory
- ROM (Read Only Memory)
- Interface- interface lainya.
(komponen diatas akan diulas postingan berikutnya)

 Teknologi WAN selalu menggunakan router, router merupakan peralatan backbone dari jaringan skala kecil maupun jaringan skala besar yaitu internet. untuk melakuakn fungsinya, router selalu membentuk tabel routing dan pertukaran informasi dengan router lainnya.

                                                          Segmentasi dengan Router

 Contoh, jika komputer X akan komunikasi dengan komputer Y dan komputer Z. Sebagaimana yang digambarkan pada gambar koneksi WAN dengan router , ia membutuhkan informasi routing. Banyak jalur yang bisa ditempuh untuk mencapai komputer Y dan Z, router akan memilihkan jalur yang terbaik.

 Konfigurasi internetwork yang benar membutuhkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
− Alamat end-to-end harus konsisten
− Alamat yang dipakai dalam topologi jaringan
− Pemilihan jalur terbaik
− Routing dimanis atau statis
− Proses switching

                                                             Koneksi WAN dengan Router

                                                                        Penenntuan Jalur


Now we discuss about whose name the router , please refer to the following article 

Introduction to Router WAN ( World Area Network ) 

 Route is the naming of the English language that means in Indonesian Routes, Roads , Sending through ...... 

 The router is a specialized computer , the router has the same basic components to a desktop PC , a router has a CPU , memory , system bus , as well as the outputs and inputs . Routers are used to connect the communication between the two networks and determine the data path through the network connection . 

 Router requires OS ( Operating System) to perform its functions , such as running IOS configuration files . This configuration contains commands and parameters that control the flow of traffic in and out of the router . 

 Main Router components : 
- RAM ( Random Access Memory ) 
- NVRAM ( nonvolatile Random Access Memory ) 
- Flash Memory- ROM ( Read Only Memory ) 
- Other interfaces. 
( components above will be reviewed next post ) 

WAN technologies always use a router , the router is the backbone of the network equipment as well as small -scale large -scale network that is the internet . for melakuakn function , the router always form a routing table and exchange information with other routers.

 Example, if the computer will communicate with computer X Y and Z. computers As illustrated in Figure WAN connection to the router, it requires the routing information. Many paths that can be taken to reach the computer Y and Z, the router will choose the best path.

 Internetwork configuration requires the following matters: - Address an end-to-end must be consistent - The address used in the network topology - Selection of the best path - Or static routing dimanis - The process of switching.

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